Warm Up to These Holiday Heating Tips

The holidays are a perfect time to catch up with family and friends. If you plan to host a party this year, it’s a good idea to create an environment that is comfortable and encourages relaxation and conversation. Of course, beautiful decorations and delicious food are always a welcome addition to your holiday gatherings. You’ll also want to keep the house nice and warm. If you prepare well, your home can be warm and comfortable even if it’s freezing outside. Consider the following holiday heating tips to help ensure your home is a welcoming and warm shelter.

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Some Holiday Heating Tips to Keep You Warm

1. Seal Any Gaps To Prevent Air Leaks


sealing window air leaks at home for energy efficiency

If there are any gaps where warm air is able to escape, the hard work put out by your heating system will be wasted. Take some time to inspect windows, exterior doors, and walls. If there are any cracks or holes, use weather stripping or caulk to seal them. You might also want to seek expert help to do a more exhaustive inspection that uses advanced methods. This can help to dramatically increase your home’s energy efficiency, ensuring you have lower energy bills that will save you money.

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2. Change HVAC Filters

hvac air filter replacement

Your furnace’s air filters are there in order to protect your HVAC equipment from dust and dirt. The air filter enables the system to run smoothly, ensuring you get warm air delivered throughout your home. However, these filters need occasional attention since they can become clogged over time. If it’s been a while since you’ve changed your HVAC filters, now is a great time to get it done. If the surface of the air filter is dirty, air will not be able to flow properly to your HVAC system. New filters can help optimize performance, improve indoor air quality, and protect equipment.

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3. Consider A Programmable Thermostat


The required indoor temperature will likely change at various times of the day depending on outdoor temperatures, how many people are home, and your household activities. Many people simply adjust the thermostat manually as these needs change. However, there are also many people who rely on the convenience of a programmable thermostat. This type of thermostat can automatically make adjustments throughout the day based on your specific needs. It offers more consistent and reliable temperature settings than a manual approach. With a programmable thermostat, you can focus on what you need to get done without having to worry about thermostat adjustments.

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4. Schedule HVAC Maintenance Service

image of an hvac contractor performing a furnace tune-up

A maintenance check-up can be a great way to make sure your heating system is ready to handle another cold winter. Schedule a maintenance visit with a local HVAC professional. They will perform an inspection of vents, ducts, and your furnace. They have the expertise to spot potential problems and fix them before big problems arise. Additionally, they can give your system a thorough cleaning. With regular HVAC maintenance, you can avoid expensive heating repair bills. Your heating system will be running as smoothly and efficiently as possible. With a routine heating system tune-up, you’ll have improved indoor comfort while reducing energy bills.

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5. Install an Efficient Tankless Water Heater

You might have guests staying for the holidays who could be there for several days. Maybe they are family members or friends who have traveled from far away. Of course, you’ll want to make sure that you will have plenty of hot water for everyone to shower. Your current equipment might not be able to handle the surge in demand that will be necessary when you have house guests. Consider having a tankless water heater installed and you’ll enjoy an uninterrupted supply of hot water, no matter how much you need.

6. Establish HVAC Zoning Systems

Houseguests will certainly need a warm room during their stay. Is your HVAC system capable of delivering uniform heat to all areas of your home? Do some rooms or areas feel warmer or colder than others? Are you interested in being able to better control the temperature in all areas of your home in order to meet everyone’s needs? This can be done by your local HVAC expert by setting up separate zones. Give your local HVAC contractor a call and discuss your budget and zoning prior to the arrival of your guests.

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7. Check  Heating Air Vents

Have you noticed a sudden drop in temperature? Maybe you have rearranged furniture or moved things around and a vent is blocked. It could be a table, sofa, cabinet, or even a chair that is blocking good airflow from a vent. This simple oversight can prevent warm air from reaching all rooms. Make sure there is a little room between wall vents and furniture, that might make a difference. It’s certainly a very common problem with a quick fix.

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8. Use Caution With Space Heaters

If you’ve already checked air vents, but you still have rooms that feel colder, consider making use of a space heater. These heaters can immediately make a room warmer. However, space heaters can draw a great deal of power and you have to be very careful when they are in use. They can present a fire hazard, so keep anything flammable away from the heater. A space heater should be constantly monitored for safety. If you’re leaving the room or going to sleep, make sure the space heater is turned off.


9. Switch Your Ceiling Fans to Reverse

imge of ceiling fan depicting ceiling fan direction in winter

Cold air sings while warm air rises. This can be helpful during the summer months when you want to keep your home cool. However, during the winter, you don’t want all your warm air up by the ceiling. One way to handle this is to simply use your ceiling fans to force the warmer air back down into the room. To do this, set the switch on your ceiling fans so they spin clockwise. This is definitely a cheaper option than turning the thermostat up.

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It doesn’t have to be expensive or difficult to create a warm home for the holidays. The above strategies are fairly simple to do. Give the ones that are suitable for your needs and home a try. Also, if you have your home heating fuel delivered, don’t forget to do so when your tank is about 30% full. This way, you can focus on spending time with loved ones instead of worrying about your home heating needs. Be sure to seek help from an experienced HVAC contractor. With a little preparation and planning, you will be more successful in hosting great holiday parties that will leave a favorable impression on your guests.

Tevis Energy’s sister company, Modern Comfort, performs HVAC installations, replacements, tune-ups, and more. Our technicians can provide you with expert HVAC services to ensure that your system provides you with the comfort and efficiency you deserve. Call now to schedule an appointment.

Give Tevis Energy a Call For Your HVAC Needs

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Tevis Energy provides exceptional HVAC services throughout central Maryland and southern Pennsylvania. Our certified technicians are some of the best and they can provide quality HVAC repairs, tune-ups, replacements, and installation. All of our techs are experienced and knowledgeable when it comes to providing HVAC service.

Tevis Energy offers the most competitive HVAC services in the area. We have maintenance services that can increase the energy efficiency of your equipment while improving your comfort and reducing heating and cooling bills. When you need any type of HVAC replacement or repair, we can offer a great recommendation while keeping your budget in mind. All of our work is guaranteed to meet your satisfaction. Call Tevis Energy today to schedule a service appointment. We offer in-home estimates for free.

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